J & C Pisani Ltd - Malta Hiring Now

If you're looking for a Vacancy in Malta J & C Pisani Ltd or other leading companies, you're at the right spot. This post will guide you to the latest Vacancy at Malta J&C Pisani Ltd and other opportunities in the UAE. For additional career prospects in Kuwait, Dubai, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Malta. explore our job portal, Gulf Job Alerts.
Vacancy at Malta J&C Pisani Ltd
If you are interested in applying for a Vacancy at Malta J&C Pisani Ltd, it's essential to be aware of the eligibility criteria, selection process, age limit, application process, and any other relevant details. Below, you will find information regarding these aspects:


Vacancy at Malta J&C Pisani Ltd

Company Name J&C Pisani Ltd
Job Location Malta
Nationality Selective (Update)
Experience Essential
Benefits As Per Labor Law
Last Update 18.09.2023

About J&C Pisani Ltd :

(caps)J&C Pisani Ltd is a renowned company in Malta specializing in the import and delivery of a wide variety of frozen and cold products to various businesses, including restaurants and hotels. Established in 1970, this family-owned company, managed by the Pisani family, boasts a long history in the food industry, dating all the way back to 1884. In 1984, they expanded their operations by founding DewFresh Products Ltd, a company that produces a diverse range of pork and beef products. Notably, J&C Pisani continues to serve as the primary distributor for DewFresh Products.

Eligibility Criteria :

When it comes to job opportunities at J&C Pisani in Malta, eligibility criteria may vary depending on the specific role and location. 
  1. Education and Experience: Companies often require candidates to meet specific education and experience requirements tailored to the job. This can range from a high school diploma for entry-level positions to advanced degrees and years of experience for more specialized roles.
  2. Skills and Qualifications: Applicants may need to possess particular skills, certifications, or qualifications relevant to the position they are seeking. For example, technical roles may require proficiency in specific software or programming languages.
  3. Legal Requirements: Candidates generally need to be eligible to work legally in the country where the company is located. This might involve citizenship, work permits, or meeting visa requirements.
  4. Location: Some positions may require candidates to be based in a specific geographic location or be open to relocation.
  5. Age: Certain roles, especially in industries like law enforcement or alcohol sales, may have age restrictions.
  6. Background Checks: Many employers incorporate background checks into their hiring process to assess a candidate's suitability for the position.
  7. Cultural Fit: Some companies consider how well a candidate aligns with their organizational culture and values when making hiring decisions.
To apply for a job at J&C Pisani Ltd or any other company, it is recommended to visit their official website or directly contact their HR department. Typically, they provide comprehensive information about job openings, eligibility criteria, and the application process. Additionally, you can customize your application to highlight your qualifications and skills that match the specific requirements mentioned in the job posting.

Current Opportunities

( last updated on 18.09.2023 )

Jobs Opening Location Link
IT Officer Malta Apply Now
Warehouse Food Packer Malta Apply Now
Delivery Person Malta Apply Now
Part-Time Merchandiser (Gozo) Malta Apply Now
Sales Representative for Food Service Clients Malta Apply Now
Warehouse Picker Malta Apply Now
Note: These openings change every week, so please visit here often!

To apply for job vacancies at J&C Pisani Ltd in Malta, here are the steps :

  1. Visit the J&C Pisani Ltd Website: Start by going to the official website of J&C Pisani Ltd. Many companies post their job openings on their websites.
  2. Check the Careers or Jobs Section: Look for a section on their website labeled "Careers," "Jobs," or "Work with Us." This is where they usually list their current job vacancies and provide application instructions.
  3. Browse the Job Listings: Within the careers section, you'll typically find a list of available job positions. Take your time to go through these listings to find a vacancy that matches your skills and interests.
  4. Review Job Descriptions: Click on the job titles to read the detailed job descriptions. This will give you information about the job responsibilities, qualifications, and requirements for each position.
  5. Prepare Your Application: Assemble your job application materials, which typically include your resume/CV and a cover letter. Make sure your application highlights your relevant skills and experience for the specific job you're interested in.
  6. Submit Your Application: Most companies provide an online application form or an email address for submitting applications. Follow the instructions provided on their website to submit your application materials.
  7. Follow-Up: After submitting your application, consider following up with the HR department or the contact provided in the job posting. This demonstrates your continued interest in the position.
  8. Prepare for the Interview: If your application is shortlisted, you may be invited for an interview. Research the company, practice your interview responses, and be prepared to discuss your qualifications and experience.
  9. Review and Accept the Offer: If you successfully pass the interview and selection process, you will receive a job offer. Carefully review the offer, negotiate terms if necessary, and complete any required onboarding paperwork.
To maximize your chances of finding job vacancies at J&C Pisani Ltd in Malta, you can also keep an eye on job boards, Remember that application processes can vary, so it's important to follow the specific instructions provided by J&C Pisani Ltd on their website or in their job listings. Good luck with your job search!


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